Edutainment Media Group

Andréa Morris, co-founder, science journalist and interdisciplinary researcher.
With a background in the performing arts, Andréa authored the book,"The Science of On-Camera Acting" with Dr. Paul Ekman that examines the camera’s perspective on the human face.
Andréa reports on consciousness science, artificial intelligence and robotics for Forbes.com and publishes interviews with subject matter experts on Variable Minds.
Member of The National Association of Science Writers.

Joe James, co-founder, earned a Master's degree from N.Y.U. before moving to Los Angeles and joining Music Connection Magazine (MC) as a staff writer.
He left MC to work as a writer and public liaison at the California League of Conservation Voters, a non-partisan political action arm of California’s environmental movement, raising capital to support ecological legislation at the municipal and state levels.
Joe travels around the world writing, producing and directing in over 50 countries for various TV shows including the archaeology/adventure series “Expedition Unknown” on The Discovery Channel.